Frequently Asked Questions

Updated: January 10, 2025

What is SHIC?

SHIC (Shibacoin) is a decentralized cryptocurrency that uses Scrypt proof-of-work mining. It's designed to be a fun, community-driven coin that can be merge-mined with Litecoin and Dogecoin.

Is SHIC a meme coin?

While SHIC embraces the fun spirit of meme coins, it's built on solid technical foundations. It uses proven technology like Scrypt mining and focuses on security and simplicity rather than complex features.

Was there a premine?

No, SHIC had no premine, no ICO, and no presale. The project launched fairly with everyone having an equal opportunity to mine or acquire coins from the start.

What makes SHIC special?

SHIC stands out through its:

  • Merge mining capability with Litecoin/Dogecoin from very early on (block 24000) becoming the coin to do so in the shortest time frame compared to other merged mined scrypt coins.
  • Fair launch with no premine
  • Simple, proven technology secured by Litecoin and Dogecoin hashrate
  • Strong focus on community and fun
  • Sustainable emission schedule

How do I get SHIC?

You can get SHIC through:

  • Mining (solo or through pools)
  • Trading on exchanges like NonKYC and Exbitron
  • Participating in community events and giveaways

What is the total supply?

SHIC has an initial supply phase until block 600,000, after which it transitions to a fixed reward of 10,000 SHIC per block. This creates a gradual inflation that helps maintain network security while preventing excessive dilution.

How can I mine SHIC?

SHIC can be mined using Scrypt ASIC miners. The easiest way to start is by joining a mining pool that supports merge mining with Litecoin/Dogecoin. This allows you to mine multiple coins simultaneously without additional energy usage.

Is SHIC secure?

Yes, SHIC is secured by Scrypt proof-of-work mining, the same algorithm used by Litecoin and Dogecoin. The ability to merge mine with these established networks provides additional security through shared hash rate.

How can I contribute?

There are many ways to contribute to SHIC:

  • Join our Discord and Telegram communities
  • Contribute code or documentation on GitHub
  • Help new users and answer questions
  • Create content or tools for the community
  • Run a node to support the network

Where can I get support?

Support is available through:

What does a Shibacoin address look like?

Shibacoin addresses always start with the letter 'S'. This makes them easily distinguishable from other cryptocurrency addresses.

What is the currency symbol for Shibacoin?

The currency symbol for Shibacoin is ₷ (SHIC).

Who created Shibacoin?

Shibacoin was created by Dogecoin enthusiasts who wish to remain anonymous.

Coins vs Tokens

SHIC is a coin, not a token. It has its own blockchain and doesn't rely on any other network. This is different from tokens which run on top of other blockchains like Ethereum, BSC or Solana.

When did Shibacoin launch?

Shibacoin genesis block was mined on Dec 21, 2024 00:44:40 UTC.

Do I have to trust the devs?

No. Shibacoin is completely decentralized and open source. The code is public, and anyone can verify how it works. There are no special privileges or controls held by the developers.

Is Shibacoin Core safe to use?

Yes. Shibacoin Core is open-source software that can be verified by anyone. The code is based on Bitcoin Core and Litecoin Core, which have been battle-tested for years.


Shibacoin's economic model features:

  • Initial block reward: 500,000 SHIC
  • Halving every 100,000 blocks
  • Final block reward: 10,000 SHIC (after block 600,000)
  • No premine or developer allocation

What do you mean by "community-focused"?

Being community-focused means that Shibacoin's development and direction are guided by its users. There's no central authority making decisions - the community collectively shapes the project's future through discussion, contribution, and participation.

How do I know if the Shibacoin I have is the right one?

To ensure you have the correct Shibacoin (SHIC):